On February 8, 1962, a group of educators headed by Engineer Demetrio A. Quirino Jr. and Dr. Teresita U. Quirino established the TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES as a private non-sectarian stock school.
T.I.P. laid down its objective based on its founders’ vision: 1) to maintain high standards of instruction; 2) to bring within the reach of the masses the blessings of higher education; and 3) to cooperate with the government in the implementation of its economic and social amelioration programs.
The school committed itself to educating and developing men and women who could turn the wheels of progress and industry. T.I.P.’s initial offering of courses included Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Architecture. It also offered Industrial Education, Industrial Arts, Liberal Arts, High School, and various trade courses.