Mahatma Gandhi Government College, Mayabunder

Mahatma Gandhi Government College, Mayabunder

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About Us

Mahatma Gandhi Govt. College, Mayabunder is the only premier institute in the District of Middle and North Andaman. Its sphere of activity and catchment area ranges from Paschimsagar of Diglipur till Baratang encompassing a large chunk of territory and majority population. Initially started at Car Nicobar in the year 1992 and shifted to Mayabunder in the year 1994. In a sprouting campus of 10 hects. eco-friendly atmosphere, enchanting sea and virgin forest, the collage is an attraction not only to the students but also to a great chunk of tourists and visitors who go to Karmatang via college road. Initially started with a meager student strength of less than 100, it has now reached to a total strength of 897 with 41 teaching staff, 30 non-teaching staff and more than 50 supporting staff.

The College Campus starts with a bronze statue of Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi which is a source of inspiration to all students and staff The statue is surrounded by different types of flowering and ornamental plants which gives an esthetic sense to students, staff and visitors when they enter the college. The college is having one ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING with Principal Chambers, Visitors Room, Office all the Heads of the Departments, Common Staff Room, Admission and Examination Wing, Computer Lab, Geography Lab, Stores , Record Room, NSS unit, IGNOU centre and many other allied rooms utilized for academic and cultural pursuits. Besides there are adequate staff rooms and class rooms of Arts, Commerce and Geography. Added to this a well equipped triple storied LIBRARY having full-fledged service amenity such as reading room, reference section, issue section and seminar room. The college also possess a well furnished CONFERENCE ROOM accommodating 150 students equipped with PA and projector system.

Courses Offer

  • B.A. Historical Studies
  • B.A. Economics
  • B.A. Political Science
  • B.Sc. Geography
  • B.Com
  • B.Com (Co-Operative Management)