Web Werks Data Centers

Web Werks Data Centers

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About Us

Established in 1996, we have a client base of more than 50,000 customers spread across the world, and cater to the needs of large to small businesses and industrial groups. Web Werks is service-oriented Internet company that provides a turnkey menu for Business on the Net. Web Werks has the innovative answers to your toughest web challenges and spearhead in cutting-edge technology that is guaranteed to give your business a competitive advantage, improve your bottom-line and create lasting value. Web Werks DataCenter has been audited as CERT-IN compliant by CERTIN Empanelled auditors. Web Werks accords high priority to compliance with recognized international standards and in addition to its status as an ISO 9001:2008 company. Web Hosting and Data Center Services. Dedicated Server Hosting both in USA and India. 2 US and 1 Indian Datacenter along with POPs in Germany, Hong Kong and UK. Shared Hosting to Resellers/end-users. Application Hosting. Database Hosting. More than 50,000 Hosted Sites. Remote Infrastructure Management. Unix Servers (Linux -Red Hat, CentOS, FreeBSD, Sun Solaris). Windows Servers(NT/2000/XP). MCSE, CCNA, MCP, Hubbell Certified Cablers and BISCI Certifications. 24 X 7 Support. Customers in US, UK, Canada, UAE, Hong Kong, India and other countries.