Trenergy is a 100 percent locally owned fabrication plant in St. Catharines, Ontario. We are an active participant in most areas of industrial activity and have no geographic boundaries for participation in projects. We provide a service to most domestically and internationally known companies which have a requirement for major pressure vessels and associated pressure parts covering: ASME Section I vessels such as: drums, wall panels, superheaters, re-heaters, economizers, headers and pipe spools as well as completely assembled package boilers and HRSG drums.
ASME Section VIII vessels such as: waste heat boilers, feedwater heaters and heat exchangers, gas coolers, moisture separators and re-heaters. Non Code equipment such as: condensers, tubular air heaters and custom fabrication of specialty heavy steel products. Trenergy’s skilled craftsmen are part of a manufacturing team supported by modern automatic machinery and the latest production control and NDE techniques.