Shardabai Pawar Mahila Arts, Commerce and Science College, Shardanagar
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Course Conducted : B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.A., M.Com., M.Sc. (Microbiology). Our Great Leader Hon. Sharadchandraji Pawar and his elder brother Late Padmashri Dr. D.G. alias Appasaheb Pawar founded the Agricultural Development Trust in the year 1968. Baramati Tehsil is a drought prone area and the people suffered from acute shortage of water not only for agriculture but also for human and animal consumption. To overcome such a severe problem lead was taken by Hon. Dr. Appasaheb Pawar and soon after survey realized the value of percolation tanks. Through peoples movement in the last three decades over 300 percolation reservoirs have come into existence providing irrigation to thousands of acres of land. The Trust has undertaken the activities centered around the farmer, his farm and family. In the past years the activities of the Trust include : Percolation tanks, Digging wells, Boring and blasting unit, Supply of seeds, Fertilizers and implements, Soil and water analysis, Model Demo farm of 110 acres, Nursery, Horticulture, Afforestation, Dairy, Poultry, Sheep and Goat rearing, Animal Husbandry, Sericulture, Tissue culture, Green houses, Training of young farmers, Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Education, etc.