On the Job Training

On the Job Training

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About Us

OJT.com is bridging the gap between career seekers and employers, creating sustainable career pathways from coast-to-coast. With over 20 years of experience as an online training provider. We’re building strategic partnerships to provide innovative workforce development opportunities and implement world class on-the-job-training programs. We’ve built a robust directory featuring over 30,000 on-the-job-training, apprenticeship, vocational education, and online training providers NATIONWIDE.

Career Seekers can leverage OJT.com to locate and communicate directly with on-the-job-training, vocational education, and apprenticeship programs from coast-to-coast that align with their career interest. Becoming the architect their own career development and up-skilling. This is an effective tool for companies offering on-the-job-training, vocational education programs, and apprenticeship providers. Enterprises can leverage OJT.com as a nationwide marketing and recruiting resource, engaging with a targeted audience of career seekers through a customized directory listing, banner advertisements, page sponsorships, and keywords ownership.