Ness Wadia College of Commerce

Ness Wadia College of Commerce

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The history of Ness Wadia College of Commerce can be traced back to June 1969 when the first Pre-degree Commerce classes had started under the auspices of the Modern Education Society.

Back then the classes were held in the adjacent building of the Nowrosjee Wadia College of Arts and Science.

In 1969, the Commerce wing, thus, came to be established as an independent college of commerce, named after Sir Ness Wadia, (1873-1952), the renowned industrialist and philanthropist of his times. The Modern Education Society is deeply indebted to Sir Ness as well as his brother Sir Cusrow for their unstinting support for this endeavour. The College moved into its present premises with a building of its own in 1971. The College was inaugurated on 16th July 1969, by Dr. H. V. Pataskar,the then Vice- chancellor of the University of Pune.

It came to be headed by the late Dr. B. S. Bhanage, one of the leading scholars of his time who later became the Vice-chancellor of Shivaji University. He was followed in 1972 by Professor V. K. Nulkar who retired in 1991. Professor Dr. H. M. Shaikh took over charge of the College from Principal Nulkar and remained Principal of the College till February 2000 when he retired. Dr. Ms. V. S. Devdhar took over as Principal in February 2000 on Principal Shaikh’s retirement. After her retirement in June 2009, Dr. H. V. Deosthali worked as Incharge Principal. Dr. M. M. Andar took over as Principal in January 2010. After the retirement of Dr. M.M. Andar, Professor Dr. Girija Shankar worked as In charge Principal from 1st May 2017 to 31 st March 2021, followed by Dr. Asha.D.Jadhav who worked as In-charge Principal from 1 st April 2021 to 30 th June 2021. Since 1 st July 2021 Professor Dr. Vrishali S Randhir is working as In-Charge Principal.

Course Conducted : B.Com., B.Com-(Language Arabic & Persian), B.B.A., B.B.M., P.G. Diploma in- Banking Finance, International Business, Taxation Laws, Certificate Course in Travel & Tourism management, M.Com.