Lyrebird Preschool

Lyrebird Preschool

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About Us

We’ve helped make a lot of happy memories here for children and families over the years. Since 1975 Lyrebird Preschool has seen three generations of locals enrolled from a number of communities in and around Nowra. We are lucky to have a fantastic facility, great history, exceptional team and amazing parents who help make us special.

Our Values give us the framework to run a positive, nurturing, learning environment for pre-school aged children 3 to 5 years old. From our vast experience, we’ve put together a great philosophy, learning program, and support network of staff and parents to give our Community-based not-for-profit preschool a lot of benefits and advantages.

Our Space is lovely and spacious both indoors and out with beautiful renovations to our outdoor play area completed in 2017. We are committed to ongoing care and updates to our pre-school facilities. Our parents and volunteers often lend a hand with resources and skills along with strong leadership initiatives by our parent management committee. We strive to make Lyrebird happy, healthy and helpful for all our young learners.

Our Team follows the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), a government authorised preschool curriculum. We go beyond minimum staffing levels (of 1 staff for every ten children) with an average of 6 children-to-1 educator. We usually have a team of 12 support staff and educators on any given day. We also have an apprentice program to promote local student experience. Get to know everyone here…

Our Resources are listed here as programs we offer or are involved with plus downloads like our Family Handbook to show new families and children how we work and what’s expected of them. We’ve also included links to helpful websites and information sources.