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About Us

Calmbirth® is Australia’s most highly acclaimed, recommended, TRUSTED and scientifically proven childbirth education program in Australia. Calmbirth® was the first childbirth education program in Australia to recognise the interrelationship between the mind and body connection in birth – the connection and power between a woman’s emotional state and the way her body responds in birth. Calmbirth® uses this mind-body connection to assist couples to replace the fear, stress and anxiety about giving birth with the knowledge and skills to birth their baby calmly, fearlessly, safely and confidently.

  • Calmbirth® provides you with all the knowledge, confidence and tools you need to have a positive birth experience.
  • To work together and feel supported by your partner to birth your child in any birth situation. Calmbirth® teaches your partner how to support you emotionally, and how to be your ‘guardian of space’ during pregnancy, labour and birth.
  • Calmbirth® empowers you to make informed decisions with your caregivers about birth choices.
  • Calmbirth® helps you feel safe, calm and confident to birth your baby irrespective of how you birth.
  • Calmbirth® teaches you about the prenatal bonding, the importance of skin to skin and postnatal bonding, self care and ways to nourish the new mother, and awakens you to the concept of conscious parenting.
  • Calmbirth® teaches you how to nurture your connection to your unborn child and ‘plants the seed’ for ways to strengthen that connection in your transition into parenthood.
  • Calmbirth® teaches you self empowerment – how to be an active participant in your birth and gives your birth support partners the tools to support you. It teaches you how to access your inner resources and gives you the confidence to use them to assist you in pregnancy, labour and birth – embracing birth as a natural part of life.

The Calmbirth® program is suitable for first time or subsequent births; for couples who’ve had a challenging birth experience and would like their other birth experience to be different; as well as for couples who know they’ll be having a caesarean. Calmbirth® embraces and accepts all pregnant couples regardless of their age, culture, socio-economic or sexual orientation.

The ideal time to attend a Calmbirth® course is between 24 and 34 weeks gestation. This, however, is not a strict guideline; if you are feeling particularly anxious, we suggest coming earlier on, and if you have left it a little late to book, you are still welcome to attend after 34 weeks. We feel that the ideal time frame of 24 to 34 weeks gives couples enough time to reflect on and practice what you will learn in the Calmbirth course, using the tools and techniques to help you prepare for your birth.