Sri Mahalakshmi Dairy is one of the leading dairy companies in South India, located in Coimbatore. Our Products are Marketed under the brand name “Aroma”.
Our successful journey with dairy began in 1972 with a simple goal – to serve the poor and economically weaker dairy farmers of Coimbatore and its nearby districts. Since its inception, Sri Mahalakshmi Dairy has helped serve the farmer community with dedication and affection. As a result, the farmers have developed an increasing loyalty to our organisation, all of which is reflected in our yearly growth. To retain our agricultural heritage, as well as to protect the socio – economic status at the village level, we are committed to long – term growth and sustainability.
Our milk is sourced from dairy cows that are fed over grassy meadows, ensuring a purity and freshness that stays for longer. Our variety in dairy products range from Fresh Milk, Fresh Curd,Fresh Cream, Flavoured Milk, Unsweetened Khova ,Paneer, Ghee, Skimmed Milk Powder and Whole Milk Powder. Our dairy is ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS18001, FSSAI, BIS and AGMARK certified.