Supraja The Ultimate

Supraja The Ultimate

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About Us

Vishwanathsa Ramchandrasa Lomte started Supraja in 1957. At that time it was Supraja Cold-drink House In front of Bhuikot Killa. It was very famous for Ice creams and Colddrinks like handmade Venilla ball Icecream, Vimto Cola, Hydrabad Soda, Madhras Soda, Ginger Soda,Santra n Orange Soda, Lemon Soda, etc all were very popular in Solapur. Vishwanathsa Ramchandrasa Lomte has three sons Parshuram, Manohar and Shanmukh. They further continued this family business and in 1986 they started Supraja Pavbhaji with the Masala which was created by their mother Mrs.Tulsabai Vishwanathsa Lomte