Sheep Society

Sheep Society

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About Us

Sheep Society is a social service organization working for the socio-economic development of the poor specially for the Scheduled caste (SC), the Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Backward communities, irrespective of their caste, creed and religion. It is committed for the development of the socially marginalized communities and Backward Class communities. It focuses on the rural and urban poor, agricultural laborers, marginal farmers, women and children, particularly the girl children. The Development Society for Poor is committed to people’s participatory development processes.

People concerned and affected are involved in the entire process of project identification, development, execution, monitoring and evaluation. Projects adopt a bottom up approach and are evolved at the community level. Holy public school tajgi establish in 2006 and another one holy public school nyorch yupia establish in 2018 running under the banner of SHEEP SOCIETY at charitable mode organisation is giving free education to orphan poor and BPL children and giving fee concession to poor family.

We have improving the social, educational and economic situations of rural and urban/rural women,Improving girl’s education and women’s literacy, Motivating grassroots women to form self-help groups and schemes for their economic development, Raising awareness among grassroots women on collective work and collective responsibility, Helping grassroots women to become economically independent,Helping women recognize their labor and their innate intelligence as human resources, Building women’s self confidence through personal development and technical training, Rural poor students summer camps, Construction and unorganized labor welfare development, Low External Input Sustainable Agricultural activities, Child Development, Child Education, Poverty Alleviation, Tribal Welfare, Women Empowerment, Slum Development, Health and water Sanitation Program, Human Rights, Preservation of Environment and other Charitable Program.