pH Miracle, Inc.

pH Miracle, Inc.

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To improve your health situation, LOSE WEIGHT, or just want more energy, there is a wealth of knowledge here for your benefit. You will find FREE healthy recipes, educational videos, and scientific articles. We offer health coaching and other services to support your well being. Its never too early to start feeling better today. This site features pH Miracle Living alkaline diet concepts, alkalizing foods and recipes, and information derived from the science of live and dry blood analysis. The science of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young and the pH Miracle lifestyle and diet have been set forth in best-selling books including The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, and The pH Miracle for Diabetes and the recently released The pH Miracle Revised and Updated. These books contain the Youngs philosophy and methodology, including diet meal plans and healthy recipes beyond what can be found in the popular Back to the House of Health cookbooks.