Newman Senior High School

Newman Senior High School

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About Us

Newman Senior High School is located in the mining town of Newman, 1200 kilometres north of Perth, in the Pilbara region. The school has a diverse cultural student and staff population, excellent facilities and a passionate staff. The school caters for students in Years 7 to 12.

Newman Senior High School is the jewel in the Iron Heart of the Pilbara. Our staff are committed to every student making exceptional progress, to enjoy learning and to be motivated by The Newman Way, our school values of Care and Compassion, Respect and Responsibility.

The school community is very fortunate to have exceptional support from the community. This includes the Pilbara Education Partnership with BHP, and Follow the Dream program. Our local businesses provide opportunities for students with workplace learning and school based traineeships. UWA’s Aspire program supports students who want to pursue university pathways.