New Horizon Gurukul

New Horizon Gurukul

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About Us

The name “New Horizon Gurukul” is synonymous with nurturing of character and development of a holistic personality. The atmosphere at New Horizon Gurukul fosters academic excellence, spiritual well-being, creative skills, social responsibility and commitment to deliver the best. It inculcates in the child the values of kindness and fairness in all his/her dealings and accepts nothing but striving towards perfection.

A Shishya from Gurukul will have the wisdom of one’s mentors to be able to contribute positively first to oneself and second to the society at large. The school strives to broaden the horizons of knowledge and infuse a zest for excellence. Emphasis is laid on the development of critical, analytical, problem solving and decision-making abilities to enable the student to be a powerful force for the country’s socio-economic progress and change. Our excellent academic results bear testimony to the same.
Modern education enriched by strong values which are embedded in our rich cultural heritage.

The principle of a ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’ is the basis of personality development.
Imparting life skills such as managing of emotions, positive behavior, building relationships and self awareness to effectively adapt to new challenges. Coaching in Special skills such as origami, craft, music, dance, yoga, meditation etc.A highly motivated and well trained faculty. Avant garde infrastructure to facilitate and support both classroom learning and outdoor activities.

The school imbibes in each of its students the values taught in the Bhagvad Gita. The wholesome education provided here enables them to adjust and adapt to the emerging society of multicultural thoughts and beliefs. The school encourages creativity and originality in thought and action by providing the child with an invigorating environment to learn. To create is to learn and we at NHG believe in the creativeness of each of our students. We feel that it is very important to provide the child with a salubrious learning environment that not only gives wings to the imagination of the child but also challenges his/her forte. The teaching methods at NHG provide for a carefully planned learning environment which encourages the child to develop his/her dormant skills with the teacher facilitating this process. The teaching method recognizes that each child has a unique learning ability and cognitive developmental level. The repeated use of teaching aids enables each child to explore and experiment with concrete objects, thus making the learning process more effective and creative

As the child progresses on the path of learning, the approach becomes more interactive and thought-provoking. Other skill based activities are added with the objective of unearthing the latent skill sets in the Shishya. Learning is augmented by modern technological tools which are readily available for the Shishya.