Banani Secondary School and Primary School

Banani Secondary School and Primary School

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About Us

Banani International School is a private, not for profit residential school for girls from Grades 1 through 12. While its principals are based on the Baha’i Faith, it is open to girls of all religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and encourages students recognise the principal of unity in diversity and to live up to its motto and “Develop a vision that is world embracing”. Established in 1993 and registered with the Ministry of Education , it is governed by the Board of Directors of the William Mmutle Masetlha Foundation and administered by the Principal.

While the decision to open a school only for girls was based on education statistics of Zambia of the time, the Masetlha Foundation considers the ongoing education of girls an indispensable element of human development, one that must be vigorously pursued if the material and spiritual progress of the world is to be accelerated. A fundamental principle of the Bahá’í Faith is the equality of women and men, and that without equal status and a full partnership in human affairs, civilization cannot advance.