Samajbhushan Ganpatrao Kalbhor Arts, Commerce and Science College, Loni Kalbhor

Samajbhushan Ganpatrao Kalbhor Arts, Commerce and Science College, Loni Kalbhor

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About Us

Samajbhushan Ganpatrao Kalbhor Arts, Commerce & Science College, Loni Kalbhor was established in June 1984, to open the door of higher education to the rural youths, especially boys & girls of the farmers and farm workers of and around Loni Kalbhor. Late Shree Ganpatrao Kalbhor alias Mama and late Dr.Bapuji Salunkhe the founder of Shree Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur along with some well wishers of the Society, took initiative to establish this college.

Loni Kalbhor is an agricultural town situated on the bank of the river Mula-Mutha. Loni Kalbhor is on the outskirt of Pune, the so called Seat of Education. The young boys and girls cannot afford to go to Pune for higher education.


  • B.A. English
  • B.A. Hindi
  • B.A. Marathi
  • B.A. Economics
  • B.A. History
  • B.A. Political Science
  • M.A. Economics
  • B.Com. in Cost and Works Accounting
  • B.Com. in Marketing and Management
  • M.Com. in Marketing Management